Spiritual Growth Should Come First

Christian growth is a never ending process. Jesus said you must be born again to see the kingdom of God and to enter the kingdom of God he must be born of water and the spirit. That is the beginning of the Christian life. Too many think it is the end. They think nothing is required of them to receive all of God's blessings and promises.

Salvation that is freely given, through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, births us into the family of God. But to rule and reign with Jesus in his coming kingdom requires a life spent growing and serving our Heavenly Father.Romans chapter eight, in verses 14-17 tell us that as Christians we are the children of God and co-heirs with Christ if we are willing to suffer with him. To be willing to serve him no matter what the circumstances of life might be, good or bad. The next verse tells us it will be worth it all.

Billions of dollars are spent every year in this country on self help books, programs, and seminars. People trying to better their way of life and enrich their knowledge. Nothing is wrong with that except emphasis should be put on spiritual growth first.

Our core beliefs are what are going to control our decisions and actions. If we neglect the spiritual part of our lives then the other parts will be out of kilter. We will make the wrong decisions for the wrong reasons.Knowing what is God's will and working toward that goal should be first in our mind. What we are striving to accomplish should bring glory to God and not to ourselves.

Most of God's will is written in the bible. There he instructs us how he wants us to be. How we are to treat our family, business partners, friends and those we do not know. The attributes he wants us to develop. How he wants us to grow to be like our Lord and Savior.

Developing the same love he has for us for others.When we put our spiritual growth first we begin to see how much easier it is to develop the attributes we need to be successful in this life. The more we grow spiritually the more we understand the importance of giving that growth priority.Spiritual growth will lead us to the purpose God has put us on this earth to accomplish. Everyone has a unique purpose.

Unfortunately not many understand this and many live their life never fulfilling that purpose.Scripture tells us we are saved to good works. Jesus came to serve mankind.

We are to follow his example. We have the ability to change peoples lives, discover cures for diseases and do things we have not thought about yet. Meeting the needs of others should be the reason we strive to achieve.God wants us to prosper. But he wants us to use it for his glory. He wants us to lay up treasure in heaven.

That comes about by thinking of others before thinking of ourselves. Do as he directs and he will bless you here on the earth and in the coming kingdom. Praise God from who all blessing flow.


Warren Adams is a bi-vocational preacher. He has a burden for those that are compelled to achieve something with their life. Wanting them to grow in the proper way. With their priorities in the right place.

By: Warren Adams

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